Islamic creed reveals significant clues about human happiness both in this earthly life and the one after death. As this huge topic covers so many fields and answers, it would be better to discuss it from some perspectives in an article like this. Along with the other principles in Islamic creed like belief in God, angels, prophets, holy revelations, destiny, the belief in resurrection and hereafter is a necessary value for humanity. To believe in the resurrection and hereafter is amongst the Islamic creed and it has many benefits to human soul and happiness. If one believes in the hereafter, he is free from distress and anxiety of losing his beloved ones. He not only gains the bliss in the world but also after his death. The belief of hereafter has different impacts on different layers of society.
Let’s think about children. The feeble nature of child cannot bear his mum’s death, he psychologically collapses. Knowing that his friend or siblings have died, he will always be in fear of dying or losing his beloved ones because he thinks that he will not be seeing them anymore. His heart, mind and soul and his weak body will dreadfully be affected by this.
His mind becomes a tool of torture for him as he always thinks about those who passed away. His anxiety and fear hidden behind toys will always torture him directly or subconsciously. Believing in the hereafter, his mind settles down and relaxes and he comfortably says:
“My brother or my friend has passed away but he became a bird in the paradise and he is in a far better condition than us and he is roaming around joyfully. My mum has passed but she has gone to the God’s mercy and when I go there, she will love and cuddle me again."
The world, once was a dungeon for him full of fears and distress when he was unaware of the hereafter, now changes into a blissful and joyful atmosphere.
Belief in hereafter is also beneficial for youth. At the time of desires and strong feelings, too courageous mind and uncontrollable energy within them, young people has no limit if they do not have the belief in the hereafter. If they forget the judgement day which will occur and those bad behaviours to be punished, they may harm themselves going after their beastly feelings and motives. People’s property, family, honour and chastity will be endangered by those young people. The elderly will be injured out of young people’s misconduct and disrespect. Within a couple of youth years they may do any wrong just for the pleasure’s sake, and consequently they may be sentenced to jail even in this life. The result is no happiness at all.
On the other hand, if a young man believes in the hereafter, he knows that he will be resurrected and judged before the celestial divine court of Allah, and behaves cautiously and accordingly.
He is aware of his limited years in youth and in the worldly life, that he will become old as his parents and grand parents, thus he gets prepared for that age and the one after death. He respects people, he behaves well and kindly. As a result, people love him in the world; he has a wonderful life both in the world and in the hereafter.

Horrible despair and sufferings people have, which makes the world worse than a prison, can only be twisted into a happy life with the belief in the hereafter. Sufferings can come to an end with the belief in the hereafter. They will not stay in this world with pain and sorrow. Those pains, bad experiences, gloomy days and distress in the life are limited and will turn into rewards in the hereafter. Thus, their life totally changes with the belief.

If the belief of hereafter goes into the same home, it enlightens and enlivens them. They become more passionate and loyal to each other. Sincerity and love gains its true meaning with eternal references. They know that they do not love just for this world’s sake, but there is an eternal life where they will be lovingly together forever. They tolerate each other’s mistakes and try to understand one another. Life with true happiness starts up and bliss arises upon.
Similarly, a city is like a house with more members. If the belief of hereafter is not among them, courtesies like sincerity, fellowship, desire to do for others, self sacrifice, searching for God’s sake are replaced with grudge and animosity, self interest, deceitfulness, egotism and selfishness, affectation and ostentation, bribery and cheating. There seems to be law and order, and pretended humanity but the meanings of anarchism and atrocity rule that city. Children becomes naughty, youth get drunk and the elderly weeps and cry out.

And members of the society say this to children. “There is paradise, stop being naughty” and give the lesson of the Qur’an. They say that to the youth: There is hell, stop drunkenness”, and wake them up. They say this to the cruel and the villain: “There is a terrible torture, you will be slapped”, and bring them to justice. They say those to the elderly: “A never ending happiness and a fresh and eternal youth await you. They will be far much better than what you’ve left behind” and turn their cry into smile.