Ustad Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, whose main aim in his very life was to serve the Holy Qur’an, wanted to show the miraculousness of the Qur’an not only with the meaning but also with script of the Qur’an even to those who do not believe in and who are suspicious about anything unless they see it with their eyes due to their idea of materialism.
In order to realize this aim, he asked his students to write the Qur’an in such a way that even the script of it would show the miraculous beauty to the eyes. In order to accomplish this aim he appointed ten eminent scholars of the time who were his students as well and gave them three
chapters (juz’) from the Holy Qur’an to write and reveal the tawafuqaat.
The Qur'an in Tawafuq : Bediuzzaman Said Nursi wanted them to take the previous famous copy of Calligrapher Hafiz Osman’s Qur’an as a mastercopy which has fifteen lines in every page starting with a verse and finishing with the end of the verse. They were asked to write it without interference from their own will and in a state of pure sincerity to gain Allah’s pleasure. He said: “Do not dare to use your own will while doing this. Do not disappear the ones which are already appearing in the Holy Qur’an!”
Every student wrote one copy and the best was chosen
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, who gives three parts of the Qur'an to each of his ten sincere knowledgeable students in order to fulfil his ambition of writing the Qur'an in tawafuq, demands them to expose the feature of tawafuq, which already exists in the Qur'an.
Through this process, he recommends them to take the Qur'an written in the style of Hafiz Uthman in which each page has 15 lines as a groundwork copy and he advises them to study with a sincere manner and says : " Do not let your will interfere! Do not remove what is existing! "
That is to say, the tawafuq already exists in the Qur'an, so work to reveal that feature!
His students, most of whom were either hafiz or hodja ('alim) or Arabic calligraphy teacher like Hafiz Ali, Hodja Khalid, Muallim Galip, Hodja Sabri, Hafiz Zuhdu, Tigli Hakki, Shamli Hafiz Tevfik and his closest student Ahmed Husrev Efendi volunteered in the service of writing the Qur'an in tawafuq. They delivered the copies they wrote to Imam al-Nursi. Looking at the copies thoroughly, Bediuzzaman came to this conclusion:
“Tawafuq is in Husrev’s style. He didn’t spoil the tawafuq. This was his good deed which I had advised you not to use your own ability to make it. The biggest ability is not to ruin the tawafuq.
Because there stands it in the Qur’an. Because the tawafuq exists. ”[40]
With the charming and unique pen of Ahmed Husrev Altinbasak, tawafuq appears in such a wonderful style that Imam Bediuzzaman Said al-Nursi describes this beauty as: "The mind will say 'Subhanallah’ if it understands; the heart will say 'Barakallah' if it comprehends; the eyes will say 'Masha'allah' if they see." (Rumuzat al-Thamaniyya,7)
So the calligrapher of the Qur'an in Tawafuq is well known now: Ahmed Husrev Altinbasak.
Later on, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi writes about the process of writing the Qur'an in tawafuq and tells about how Ahmed Husrev Efendi was appointed to this honourable service.
"Even though he is not a hafiz, he has written three copies of the Qur'an, two of which are excellent and the third one shows the visually miracles of the Holy Qur'an. I have pointed out the visually miracles of the Qur'an in five or or six copies. I have delivered them to my brothers who are highly skilled calligraphers of Arabic.
Although Husrev was not able to reach the level of his friends' calligraphy ability, he suddenly became superior to those calligraphers and that Arabic calligraphy teacher. He has diplayed ten times higher skill than his brothers."
They all attested to this truth and said :"He has surpassed us and we will never be able to reach his level. So, Husrev's pen is the Wonder of Quran, the Miraculous Declaration, and Risale-i Nur."
Some Samples of Tawafuqaat
This is the page on which the word "Allah" is repeated the most. The word

Again on the same page, the name of "Allah" is uttered 11 times as if emphasizing the number of Islamic Pillars which is 5 and the Tenets of Faith which is 6, and as total 11.

For more more tawafuqaat, visit here.